answers to questions to a psychologist in Lviv and Ukraine


Answers to questions to a psychologist in Lviv and Ukraine.

Advice from a psychologist on the path to happiness and the secrets of a happy family.

Answers to questions

Advice from a family psychologist on the path to happiness and the secrets of a happy family: "work on your own personal development."

Advice from a family psychologist on marriage and on respect and mutual love.

Answers to questions

Advice from a family psychologist on creating a happy family: "first, women and men need to develop the qualities of respect and love, and only then look for a partner." In order to create a good family, you need to be selfish and try to choose the best possible partner for yourself. It is good when a couple has respect, which will then turn into mutual love.

Useful advice from a psychologist about friendship and choosing friends.

Answers to questions

Useful advice from an ancient psychologist about friendship and choosing friends: "therefore, make loyalty and sincerity your main priority, do not be friends with people who are worse than you, and if you make a mistake, do not be afraid to correct yourself." Useful friends are a direct friend, a sincere friend, and a friend who has heard a lot. Harmful friends are a hypocritical friend, a flattering friend, and a talkative friend.

Advice from a family psychologist to parents on raising children.

Answers to questions

Advice from a family psychologist to parents on raising children: "it is important to engage in the daily upbringing of a child until he or she is sixteen." If parents did not have time to deal with the child and did not establish a relationship with the child by the age of 16, then even with very good psychologists it will be very difficult and expensive to do this. It is cheaper to use the knowledge of a psychologist in the period up to 16 years.

Advice from a psychologist about the secrets of beauty and health.

Answers to questions

Advice from a psychologist about the secrets of beauty and health. There is an interaction between our internal attitude towards ourselves and the reflection of this on our beauty and health.

Advice from a psychologist about the secrets of achieving success in life.

Answers to questions

Advice from a psychologist about the secrets of achieving success in life. The need to achieve success is important in any area of ​​life. To achieve it, you need skill, perseverance and the desire to achieve your goal.

Family psychologist's advice on mutual love friendship and respect


Family psychologist's advice on mutual love, friendship and respect.

Family psychologist's advice on mutual love, friendship and respect: "In order for two people to have mutual love, each of them must go through the stages of developing such spiritual qualities as honesty, trust, respect, love."

More about mutual love, friendship and respect

Once upon a time, achieving a level of love by a man and a level of respect by a woman was a necessary condition for creating a happy family. The level of true love is an independent change in character for the better and service to the family and society. Illusion of young people: "Mutual love is the most beautiful gift that life can give you... If you have found a person who loves you simply for who you are, take care of him ...". Advice from a family psychologist to women and men about creating a happy couple: "in order to create a good family, you need to try to choose the best possible partner in terms of spiritual qualities, character and other characteristics."

Mutual love requires two hearts and two energies, male and female. In order to achieve mutual love, knowledge is needed. Therefore, you need to ask a good psychologist-analyst "how to open the heart and fill it with the energy of love." And implement his advice. Advice and minimum conditions for creating a happy family based on the Sacred texts of different religions: "A wife must respect her husband, and a husband must love his wife."

The main rules, signs and components of a happy family: "Husbands should love their wives as their own bodies: he who loves his wife loves himself. So let each one of you love his wife as himself; and the wife should fear her husband. (Eph. 5:28,33)". This is where problems arise. On the male side - very few young people can love like this before the age of 25. On the female side - very often we have disrespect from the husband's wife as a result of problems in raising his wife. Psychologist's advice on love and respect: "If the wife does not respect the husband, he will look for respect elsewhere (at work, with friends, with other women, in the garage, at the computer, and so on)".

Mutual love is the highest form of love that a husband and wife achieve over a long period of family life. In this phase, even the quality of sexual life changes due to the strong flow of energy. Statistics say that from two to twenty percent of married couples reach this phase of cohabitation, depending on their living conditions.

Psychologist's advice on personality development: "It takes about seven years to develop each level. A young man, provided he is properly raised, can develop to the level of love by the age of 28. To enter into a successful marriage, a girl must reach at least the beginning of the level of love. That is, she can prepare for marriage by the age of 17." If a young man or girl begins sexual life early, then there is no development of even the starting qualities, such as honesty, trust, respect. And to be precise, there is a balancing act on the verge of losing the qualities of "honesty, trust". We have to live under the same roof.

It is important to maintain a balance in the relationship between feelings of love and selfishness. Useful advice from a family psychologist for women and men about love and selfishness: "treat your neighbors with love, but do not develop selfishness in them." It is especially not worth developing selfishness in children. Psychological technologies are used to balance love and selfishness. In a family, spouses influence each other. Where there is love and respect, this happens easily, and where there is no love and respect, violence occurs. If spouses have not reached at least the level of friendship, that is, respect, then it will be impossible for them to help each other become better. It will be difficult to raise good children.

Psychologist's advice on the secrets of a happy family


Psychologist's advice on the secrets of a happy family.

Family psychologist's advice to women and men on creating a happy family: "first you need to rise to the level of love yourself, and then you need to choose a partner very responsibly." So that a family without love does not become a prison over time.

More about the secrets of a happy family and household

Illusion from the Internet "You won't be able to hold her back... your prison will only intensify the desire to escape.... She will leave, and you will not be able to do anything...."

Advice from a great psychologist of antiquity to young men and women about the secrets of family happiness: "At first, newlyweds should especially beware of disagreements and fights, looking at how recently glued pots easily crumble from the slightest push; but later, when the places of fastening become strong, neither fire nor iron can take them." Plutarch

To create a happy and comfortable environment, you need to study the advice of psychologists on the successful choice of a husband, wife, friend. A husband or wife should ideally be a friend, life partner, like-minded person and lover at the same time. For a successful choice, you need to take into account the spiritual level of the partner, his "class" group, temperament.

The most important parameter for creating a happy family and household is the spiritual level of development of the husband and wife. When creating a family, the newlyweds make a promise of honesty, trust, respect and love. If young people have developed such qualities as "respect" and especially "love", then even contradictions in character qualities will be smoothed out and the characters themselves will change for the better. But, if one, for example, has reached the level of "love", and the other is ready to show only "honesty" without developing higher qualities, then this will not be enough for a long time. In this post, the concept of "family and household" is used. Very often, a family consists not only of a husband and children, but also relatives. Therefore, their influence must also be taken into account. For example, a loving grandmother or grandfather may allow a child to do what the parents forbid.

Of course, a perfect choice is impossible. A psychologist on the secrets of creating a happy family and family: "In order to create a happy family, you need to be a "good" egoist and try to choose the best possible partner in terms of spiritual qualities of character and other characteristics." In order to make a good choice of a friend (wife, husband), there are many interesting methods and tests. It is advisable to get advice from several independent psychologist-analysts on compatibility issues. Knowing the unchanging characteristics of your partner, you will better understand your soulmate and will be able to live an interesting and harmonious life."

A happy family is eventually filled with children. If you have children, then based on an analysis of temperament and other data, a good psychologist-analyst will give advice on what qualities the child should develop and what professions may suit him. It often happens that a child simply spends his young years and a lot of his parents' money on something he will not do. Children are and develop between the extreme levels of his parents. The habits of his parents, both bad and good, turn into the vices of his children. Useful advice from a family psychologist to parents who want happiness in their family: "work on the spiritual growth of yourself and your children."

Family psychologist's advice on the path to happiness


Family psychologist's advice on the path to happiness.

Psychologist's advice on choosing the path to happiness: "External material happiness without internal spiritual happiness cannot last long." If life is painted in black, if the heart lacks something, then a person will not be happy, no matter how much luxury he surrounds himself with. But if a person has achieved inner peace, then you can find happiness even in the most difficult conditions.

More about the path to happiness

In ancient times, Aristotle defined the path to happiness as "the activity of the soul in the fullness of virtue," and virtue was defined as that which leads to happiness.

Most people in their youth choose material wealth as a way to obtain happiness. By buying better homes, better clothes, choosing nicer friends, we can be more or less happy and content. But in the human heart there is a desire to achieve harmony with the Higher Spiritual World.

That is, we have a more important path - this is the path of spiritual development, and it allows us to achieve inner happiness. However, these two paths are not equivalent.

People for whom spiritual development is more important than material development want to live in harmony with the Higher Forces, and this is their goal and happiness. In Psalm 33 we have useful advice from a great psychologist for such people for every day: "Keep your tongue from evil, and let your lips not flatter, turn away from all evil and do good, be peaceful and watch over it."

There is a third path - this is when a person is not interested in either spiritual development or honest material development. For example, adult infantile children who live at the expense of their parents, forcing them to work for them. But these are already problems of raising children by parents and they are described in other sections of the site.

Therefore, the concept of "Happiness" has different interpretations depending on the subject's assessment of how much his life situation corresponds to his own ideas about happiness.

Secrets of family happiness: respect and love


Secrets of family happiness - love and respect, control of selfishness.

A psychologist's advice on the secrets of family happiness: "For two people to have family happiness, it is necessary for each of them to go through the stages of development of such spiritual qualities as honesty, trust, respect, love."

More information about the secrets of family happiness

Tips and minimum conditions for creating a happy family based on the Holy texts of various religions: "A wife should respect her husband, and a husband should love his wife."

The main rules, signs and components of a happy family: "This is how husbands should love their wives as their bodies: he who loves his wife loves himself. So let each of you love his wife as himself; and let the wife fear her husband. (Eph. 5:28,33)".

This is where the problems arise. On the male side, very few young people can love like this before the age of 25. On the female side, very often we have disrespect for the husband's wife, as a result of the problems of raising the wife. Psychologist online for free about love and respect: "If the wife does not respect the husband, he will look for respect elsewhere (at work, with friends, with other women, in the garage, at the computer, and so on)."

It is important to maintain a balance in the relationship between the feelings of love and selfishness. Useful advice of a family psychologist to women and men about love and selfishness: "treat your neighbors with love, but do not develop selfishness in them." It is especially not necessary to develop selfishness in children. Psychological technologies are used to balance love and selfishness.

In a family, spouses influence each other. Where there is love and respect, this happens easily, but where there is no love and respect, the use of violence occurs. If the spouses have not reached at least the level of friendship, that is, respect, then it will be impossible for them to help each other become better. It will be difficult to raise good children.

Advice of a great psychologist of antiquity to young men and women about the secrets of family happiness: "At first, newlyweds should especially beware of disagreements and fights, looking at how newly glued pots easily fall apart at the slightest push; on the other hand, later, when the places of attachment become strong, neither fire nor iron will take them." Plutarch